Getting Started
In this file we will visit the basic functionalities provided by Dionysos for the optimal control of complex systems. In summary, the topics covered are
- Grids and discretizations
- Dynamical system declaration
- Continuous and discrete state image mapping
- Plotting
First, let us import a few packages that are necessary to run this example.
using Dionysos
using StaticArrays
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
The main package Dionysos provides most important data structures that we will need. Additionally StaticArrays provides faster implementation of Arrays (which have static memory allocation), LinearAlgebra allows us to perform some additional operations.
const DI = Dionysos
const UT = DI.Utils
const DO = DI.Domain
const ST = DI.System
const SY = DI.Symbolic
Additionally, we will short the submodules accondingly
We use HyperRectangle
to represent the boundary of the state space rectX
and the input space rectU
rectX = UT.HyperRectangle(SVector(-2, -2), SVector(2, 2));
rectU = UT.HyperRectangle(SVector(-5), SVector(5));
A discretization of the state space is declared using the GridFree
structure, which requires the definition of a center x0
and a vector h
of discretization steps in each direction.
x0 = SVector(0.0, 0.0);
h = SVector(1.0 / 5, 1.0 / 5);
Xgrid = DO.GridFree(x0, h);
represents the state space grid and holds information of x0
and h
, but is not a collection of cells. Indeed, a cell can be efficiently represented by a tuple of Int
, for instance 'pos', with which the corresponding cartesian position can be computed by x0 + h .* pos
or using functions to be shown. In Dionysos, a set of cells is called a Domain
and the DomainList
structure is used to represent this set. In the following, domainX
is defined as an empty DomainList
over the grid Xgrid
and the add_set!
method is responsible for adding a set of cells to the DomainList
domainX = DO.DomainList(Xgrid);
DO.add_set!(domainX, rectX, DO.INNER)
In this last line of code, add_set!
add all the cells of the grid Xgrid
to the DomainList domainX
that are contained in the HyperRectangle rectX
Construction of the struct DomainList
containing the feasible cells of the state-space. Note, we used DO.INNER
to make sure to add cells entirely contained in the domain. If we would like to add also cells partially covered by a given HyperRectangle, DO.OUTER
should be used instead.
Similarly, we define a discretization of the input-space on which the abstraction is based (origin u0
and input-space discretization h
u0 = SVector(0.0);
h = SVector(1.0 / 5);
Ugrid = DO.GridFree(u0, h);
domainU = DO.DomainList(Ugrid);
DO.add_set!(domainU, rectU, DO.INNER);
Now we have to define our dynamical system. For the sake of simplicity, note that we consider a linear time-invariant dynamical system but the functions defining it allow the definition of a generic nonlinear and time-dependent system. We also define a step time tstep
for discretizing the continuous-time dynamic. The parameters
tstep = 0.1;
nsys = 10; # Runge-Kutta pre-scaling
A = SMatrix{2, 2}(0.0, 1.0, -3.0, 1.0);
B = SMatrix{2, 1}(0.0, 1.0);
F_sys = let A = A
(x, u) -> A * x + B * u
We also need to define a growth-bound function, which allows for the state-space discretization errors. For more details on growth bounds, please refer to (Reissig, Weber, and Rungger, 2016).
ngrowthbound = 10; # Runge-Kutta pre-scaling
A_diag = diagm(diag(A));
A_abs = abs.(A) - abs.(A_diag) + A_diag
L_growthbound = x -> abs.(A)
#3 (generic function with 1 method)
Finally we define the bounds on the input noise sysnoise
and for the measurement noise measnoise
of the system
measnoise = SVector(0.0, 0.0);
sysnoise = SVector(0.0, 0.0);
And now the instantiation of the ControlSystem
contsys = ST.discretize_system_with_growth_bound(
With that in hand, we can now proceed to the construction of a symbolic model of our system
symmodel = SY.NewSymbolicModelListList(domainX, domainU);
The method compute_symmodel_from_controlsystem!
builds the transitions of the symbolic control system based on the provided domains and the dynamics defined in contsys
SY.compute_symmodel_from_controlsystem!(symmodel, contsys)
compute_symmodel_from_controlsystem! started
compute_symmodel_from_controlsystem! terminated with success: 68817 transitions created
Let us now explore what transitions have been created considering, for instance, the state x
=[1.1 1.3] and the input u
=-1. First, let us pin point the cell in the grid associated with this state and this input. The method get_pos_by_coord
returns a tuple of integers defining the indices of a cell coontaining a given coordinate.
xpos = DO.get_pos_by_coord(Xgrid, SVector(1.1, 1.3))
upos = DO.get_pos_by_coord(Ugrid, SVector(-1))
On the other hand, get_coord_by_pos
returns the coordinates of the center of a cell defined by its indices.
x = DO.get_coord_by_pos(Xgrid, xpos)
u = DO.get_coord_by_pos(Ugrid, upos)
1-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{1, Float64} with indices SOneTo(1):
Now we create the vector post
to receive the number of all the cells that are in the Post of x
under u
post = Int[]
SY.compute_post!(post, symmodel.autom, symmodel.xpos2int[xpos], symmodel.upos2int[upos])
It is important to highlight the differences between xpos
and the elements of post
. The Tuple xpos
contains information about a cell with respect to the grid Xgrid
whereas the elements of post
are Int's containing an internal code of each cell added to the Symbolic Model symmodel
. To alterante between the two different representations we use the dictionaries xint2pos
and xpos2int
. Similarly, the same can be said about upos
. That said, we can build a domain of Post of xpos
under upos
as following:
domainPostx = DO.DomainList(Xgrid);
for pos in symmodel.xint2pos[post]
DO.add_pos!(domainPostx, pos)
Let us visualize this
fig = plot(;
aspect_ratio = :equal,
xtickfontsize = 10,
ytickfontsize = 10,
guidefontsize = 16,
xlims!(-2, 2)
ylims!(-2, 2)
dims = [1, 2]
plot!(domainX; fc = "white", dims = dims);
domainx = DO.DomainList(Xgrid);
DO.add_pos!(domainx, xpos)
plot!(domainx; fc = "blue", dims = dims);
plot!(domainPostx; fc = "green", dims = dims)
In the previous picture, we have the state space lattice in white, the chosen cell xpos
in blue and the corresponding Post domain in green. The argument vars
given to the Plot functions refer to the projection of the state space onto the subspace of variables 1 and 2. In this case this is an identity mapping but for higher-order systems, this projection is useful to visualize the behavior of the system on a 2-dimensional space.
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